Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So, this is what it feels like to create a blog...

I've had the idea in my head for several months now, maybe it's even been a year, but for some reason or another, I always put it off. Much like I do many things in life. It seem so odd too, because one of my passions in life, or something that I enjoy and like about myself, is that I love to write. Seems sort of silly that I put off doing this one thing that I will most likely enjoy very much.

That brings me to the topic of my first post.


Or, lack thereof, in my case.

For me, the new year brings things into perspective, as I'm sure it does for most people. So, I come to the realization that another year has gone by and that's another year I was never garaunteed. Another year full of opportunites, or missed opportunities, struggle, stress, love, laughter, happiness and LIFE that could have just as easily never have happened for me. So, following in the foot steps of both my older sister and older brother, I decided to finally start this blog thing- to seize this little thing for myself. This little thing that may make a big difference for me because lately, I've been thinking... there is a big difference between living and exsiting. I've been doing a lot of existing lately, maybe ever since I can remember.

What I mean is, I've been missing that piece that I think I remember once living inside of me, that piece known as motivation. I believe motivation is the distinctive difference between existing and living, the factor that propels us into the world with hope, adventure, curiosity, passion and desire. Motivation is what people who truly LIVE possess, while I have gotten by (somehow) without it. I have managed to survive with air in my lungs and blood pumping through my veins, but without that motivation to really live and accomplish goals, try new things, and make my own happiness. I actually chose the background for this blog with a chuckle of irony because I can't remember the last time I actually picked up a book (purely for pleasure and enjoyment) and ended up finishing it. I love reading... How sad is that?!  I have simply been existing, I fear.

But, it is time for that to change.

So, here is my first attempt (in a very long time) at pulling my thoughts out of my head to get better perspective instead of just letting my fear of the unknown paralyze them. Here's to starting something in hopes of sticking with it long enough to really feel like I've done something good for myself. Here's to finding (or rediscovering) that motivation I know I need to LIVE my life instead of exist in it.

Here's to the new year!

Take Care.

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